When you are able to save some one's day with a few tricks up your sleeve by using Excel or Word, they will be certainly singing your praises for a long time. Excel, Access, and Word are software programs that can make your professional life sail smoothly if you master them. Most people in offices only have basic or no knowledge of these programs. If you have a grip on using this software you will be certainly awarded financially and gain respect and applause from your colleagues and superiors.
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You can impress people with your POWER POINT skills which allow you to insert videos, pictures from your personal collection or online, and the most amazing feature, music. Just imagine, getting a presentation done about yearly highlights of your workplace and finishing it with a video of the annual Christmas party with "Jingle Bells" playing in the background.
Joining the administrative assistant program at Sheridan college opened this world of software programs for me. Things that were a mystery to me became amazingly clear, like how I used to be amazed as I sat through so many PowerPoint presentations and imagined what could bring such amazing effects to a simple quote or picture. Or when I would be amazed how easy was to understand the data when presented in the forms of graphs instead of boring numbers. Or when I thought about a simple task of typing a personalized thanks for everyone who came to the party becoming a tedious and repetitive task solved by the magic of Word.
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